Friday, July 5, 2019

After the Jet Lag: Germany 2019, pt. 9

Frankfurt:  it's basically my 2nd home.  
I was born there; I lived there until I was almost 4 years old.
I spent every summer there as a child with my grandparents.
I know its districts and its public transportation system - the numbers of the streetcars, underground trains, and buses are still the same as they have been for 40+ years.

The Römer (city hall) is where so many of my relatives had their civic marriage ceremonies.

The sites of its churches like the Frankfurt dome, St. Paul's, and Nikolai church are familiar as the Zeil, the pedestrian shopping zone off the Hauptwache (the old police station).

In the last few years, Frankfurt has been renovating its Altstadt (old town) with great care taken to preserve the original architecture and style.  This is where my aunt took us on Friday, June 21 after we dropped off my rental vehicle at the Frankfurt airport.

After walking around town and showing Anna all the historic buildings (in the still HOT weather that Germany was experiencing at this time), we went to lunch at a restaurant just off this square.
Anna and my aunt had what Anna declared was the BEST EVER Goulash (which is basically a beef stew) over Spaetzle (egg noodle dumplings) and a salad.  I opted for Frikadellen (pan-fried ground meat - in this case I think it was a combo of ground beef and veal).  Delicious!

After some shopping/browsing, we headed back to my aunt's apartment for some rest (and to cool off!).  After my cousin Stefanie got off work, she picked us up to take up back to her apartment where we'd spend the next 2 days / nights.

She has a spacious apartment with a GREAT garden (and a sweet, old cat named Lotte).

Stefanie made us a quick dinner of Pflammkuchen, a simple dough base with cream sauce, ham, cheese, and onions on it (or whatever ingredients you want to add).  And we sat up late, talking about everything and anything!

A whole week in Germany - and time has flown by ... 
More in part 10 and beyond.   Or look back:

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