Friday, July 5, 2019

After the Jet Lag: Germany 2019, pt. 10

Saturday, June 22, was really the first morning we could sleep in as long as we wanted to the whole week we'd been in Germany.  And sleep in we did!  The morning was everything I love about German living:  light-weight summer duvets on the bed, windows open for fresh air, garden views and sounds - and a real German breakfast:

We did sleep in pretty late so that breakfast became brunch.  

My cousin Stefanie grew up in Darmstadt, a city in the metropolitan Frankfurt region, known for art nouveau architecture, a museum of Hessen's history, and it has its own castle too.  We went down town for a stroll - and a light lunch/appetizer.

Anna and I already knew we probably needed a second suitcase, as the one we were sharing was getting not only full - but heavy (and our domestic airline had a lower baggage weight limit than our Delta international flights).  When we saw a TJ Maxx store, we stopped to look at luggage.  Except that in Germany and Europe, it's TK Maxx ... I read that this is because the original American company, a subsidiary of TJX Companies, wanted to avoid confusion with the British chain T. J. Hughes overseas.  In any case, we got another little suitcase ... on clearance - and a few other travel accessories.

We walked all the way to town city center where the old Rathaus (town hall) is.

And of course, there is plenty of cafe's and restaurants in the plaza it borders.

It was another super hot day, and we needed some refreshment - and to our surprise, we got a treat in our soft drinks:  ICE CUBES!!!! (If you've ever been to Germany, you know what a rare treat this is!)

We also ordered an appetizer of a loaf of fresh baked focaccia bread with 3 different dips:  one black olive based, one roasted tomato, and one pesto.  Of course, we had to top everything off with espresso. 

In the evening, we had a barbecue (Grillparty) in the garden with friends (who came to my house last August 2018 with Stefanie) and family - another 2nd cousin I had not seen in 30+ years with his wife, who is also American and a teacher at a military base nearby.  Anna was THRILLED to speak  not only English but also talk about her interests in education with a seasoned teacher.  Lisa is from Greenville, SC, and it was nice to hear her accent at the table!  We talked, laughed, and ate until 2:30 in the morning!  

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