Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Projekt: Von A bis Z (G)

I am blogging my way through the alphabet AUF DEUTSCH (in German).  This is a fun exercise (for me) to think of as many words for the categories as possible - with minimal editing.  Can you think of any words to add?!

Today I am blogging all things "G" --- see previous posts for A-F.

Foods:   die Gurke (the cucumber); die Gurken (the pickles); die Garnelle (the shrimp)
das Gemüse (the vegetables)

Animals:  die *Gans (the goose); der Gepard (the cheetah)

***********VOCAB TIDBIT*************
The plural of *Gans is die Gänse.  2 words come to mind using this plural form:
Gänsehaut & Gänseblümchen

Gänsehaut is literally "geese skin".  In English, we call this GOOSE BUMPS!  :)
Gänseblümchen is literally "(little) geese flower".  It is the term used for the common daisy.

Common Names:  Gisela, Gerhard, Gabriele, Gabi, Gudrun, Günter / Günther, Georg, Gerda

Cities:  Giessen, Gelnhausen, Gross Gerau, Garmisch-Patenkirchen

Words you might recognize:  das Gras (the grass), Gold

**BEWARE:  The German word (das) Gift does NOT mean "a present; a gift" ... it means POISON!

verbs:  geben (to give), gehen (to go)

companies/brands:  Grundig (electronics)

Guten Tag!

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