Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Oma's Kitchen: Summer Sides - Gurkensalat

As a child, I was privileged to spend every summer in Frankfurt, Germany, being spoiled and fattened up for the winter (ha!) by my Oma.  

There were so many dishes - mostly just simple, flavorful, fresh food - that I looked forward to all year.  One of my favorite side dishes that my Oma prepared was a basic oil-and-vinegar cucumber salad garnished with dill from my Oma's little garden patch.  

My Oma never had to measure ingredients so I never got her actual recipe - she just mixed the ingredients, let them sit for a few minutes - and then had me taste test to see if anything needed to be added.  I have found similar-tasting recipes on line, and here is one that is fairly close:

Oma's Gurkensalat 
(Cucumber Salad)

1-2 cucumbers (peeled - or not-peeled if using an English cucumber), sliced thin
3 Tbsp vinegar (red wine vinegar, if no salad vinegar available)
5 Tbsp oil (I use olive oil; however, there is such a thing as salad oil in Germany)
eine Prise (a dash, a pinch!) salt
eine Prise sugar 
fresh dill, finely  chopped
fresh parsley (optional)

Let ingredients rest for a while for the best flavor - if you can wait that long.  
Mix thoroughly again and serve.
It tastes like summer!


Some of my favorite ingredients:

(herb-infused vinegar)

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