Friday, June 16, 2017

Projekt: Von A bis Z (D)

This is a continuation of a series of practically unedited blogging through the alphabet IN GERMAN (auf Deutsch).  You can review previous letters - and try to think up your own German words to add, by viewing previous posts:  (A), (B), (C)

Today I am taking 5 to 10 minutes to blog all things I can think of about the letter "D".

der Delfin = the dolphin

Food:   Dampfnudeln (:'steam noodle'; a sort of white bread made of yeast dough, steamed in a pan and then served with various toppings, e.g. sugar, cinnamon, poppy seeds, jam, butter and vanilla sauce)

Animals:  der Dackel (the dachshund), der Dachs (the badger)

Common Names:  Dagmar, Dagbert, Dagobert, Dieter, Dietrich, Daniel, Daniela

Cities:  Darmstadt, Düsseldorf, Dresden, Dortmund

Words you might recognize:  Dokument, Diplomat, Depression, Doppelgänger, Danke

verbs:  dienen (to serve), denken (to think), dürfen (to allow)

famous brands/companies:  Daimler-Benz (Mercedes!), Deutsche Telekom (T-mobil), Deutsche Bahn (German train system), Deutsche Bank (banking)

Deutsche Bahn:  ICE (Inter-City Express) train

And a poem/tongue-twister with lots of D's:
  • Denke nie gedacht zu haben, denn das Denken der Gedanken ist gedankenloses Denken. Wenn du denkst, du denkst, dann denkst du nur du denkst, aber denken tust du nie.

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