Friday, September 15, 2017

Projekt: Von A bis Z (R)

Finally!  An easier letter to blog about!!  I am continuing my posts to blog through the alphabet "auf Deutsch".

Today I am brainstorming through all things "R":

Foods:  Rotkohl (red cabbage), Rosenkohl (brussel sprouts - literally rose cabbage), Radieschen (radishes), Rindfleisch (beef)

Blumenkohl (literally flower cabbage) is cauliflower.   Kohlrabi is the same in German and English.  Just some cabbage trivia!

Animals:  die Ratte (rat), der Rabe (the raven)

Common Names:  Renate, Reinhart, Reiner, Ralf, Regina,

Cities:  Regensburg, Ravensburg

Words you might recognize:  der Ring (the ring), Reis (rice)

Verbs:  riechen (to smell); reichen (to reach), rauchen (to smoke), reiben (to rub)

German brands/companies:  REWE (retail, grocery), Ravensburger (toys, games, puzzles)

From the Ravensburger website:

The perfect fit with Ravensburger Puzzles

Since 1891 we've been making the world's finest puzzles in Ravensburg, Germany. Our attention to detail has made Ravensburger the world's greatest puzzle brand! We use an exclusively developed, extra-thick cardboard combined with our fine, linen-structured paper to create a glare-free puzzle image for a quality you can see and feel. Our steel cutting tools are designed and crafted by hand. This ensures that no two pieces are alike and guarantees a perfect interlocking fit. Enjoy Ravensburger quality with this family-friendly activity today!

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Projekt: Von A bis Z (Q)

I have been dreading this one:  blogging all things German with the letter Q.....  It is not a commonly used letter auf Deutsch.

Foods:  Quark (a yogurt/cottage cheese style soft dairy product, which is finally reaching the United States); Quitte (Quince fruit - which is a pear-apple type fruit)

Animals:  Qualle (jellyfish)

Common Names:  NONE that I could find

Cities:  Quackenbrück, Querfurt, Quierscheid

Words you might recognize:  none that I can think of!

Verbs: *quetschen (to squeeze); quietschen (to squeek)

German companies/brands:  Quelle (a catalog retailer)

An accordion is sometimes called a "squeeze box" in English.  In German, it is called a Quetschenkommode  (a Kommode is a piece of furniture like a wardrobe).  It is also called a Akkordeon and a Ziehharmonika (ziehen is the verb "to pull" and harmonika is harmonica.)