Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Projekt: Von A bis Z (X, Y, Z)

Yes, I am cheating to get this project FINISHED!  3 letters at once...
X, Y, Z - today on the blog.
It all started a long time ago (June 2017) with BUCHSTABE A.
If you want to check out A through W, follow the links on the side bar. >>>

Animals:  die Ziege (goat), das Zebra (zebra), der Zugvogel (a migratory bird), das Zugtier (a draft animal), der Yak (yak)

Food:  Zwiebel (onion), Zwiebelkuchen (onion tart), Ziegenkäse (goat cheese), Zander (a type of fish), *Zigeunerschnitzel (schnitzel, gypsy-style), Zimt (cinnamon), Zitrone (lemon)

source - Nadia Hassani
A wonderful web-site called Spoonfuls of German gives a fun narrative about the political incorrectness of the above pictured *Zigeunerschnitzel (pic from that web-site also), which has been on restaurant menus since the Nazis coined the term "Zigeuner"/gypsy for the Balkan population, specifically the Sinti and Roma poeple group.  I guess now we can call it "Schnitzel with pepper sauce and mushrooms."

Names:  Xavier, Xander, Yvette, Yvonne

Cities:  Xanten, Zeil, Zell, Zweibrücken, Zwickau

Verbs:  zuhören (to listen), zuhauen (to dig in), zünden (to ignite), zappeln (to fidget), zittern (to shiver, to shake)

Words you may recogize:  Xylofon/xylophone (xylophone) - also called Glockenspiel (although a xylophone has wooden bars and a Glockenspiel has metal tubes or bars).  
Ypsilon - the pronunciation of the German letter Y.  
Zugzwang - a chess term; also means "a tight spot"
Zeitgeist - literally "time spirit" - means spirit of the age

X-malig is sort of a word  that starts with X --- it literally means "x-times".  This word is used when you have done something infinity times, over and over, umpteen times ... same goes for the term x-fach.


And now this project is zu Ende!  (through, brought to a close, Finished!)

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