Monday, November 6, 2017

Projekt: Von A bis Z (U)

In June, I began this Projekt A bis Z ... and finally, 5 months later, I am winding it down.  We are on Buchstabe "U". 

Animals:  der Uhu (eagle-owl)

Common Names:  Ute, Ursula, Ulrike, Ulbrecht, Uschi, Uwe

Cities:  Urbach, Ulm

the Ulm minster (cathedral) is the tallest church in Germany (768 steps lead to the top!)

***** German Tongue Twister - Zungenbrecher ******
In Ulm, um Ulm, und um Ulm herum wachsen viele Ulmen.

Translation:  In Ulm, around Ulm, and all around Ulm (the city) grew many Ulm (elm) trees. 

Foods:  Underberg (an herbal liquor, used as a digestive, first distilled in 1846)

Verbs:  untersuchen (to inspect), unternehmen (to undertake), 

Words you may recognize:  U-boot (stands for "Unterseeboot" - undersea boat - a submarine)

German companies/brands:  Uhu (adhesive products) - their motto is "der Alleskeber" (the everything-adhesive)

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