Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Projekt: Von A bis Z (B)

Continuing in the series "Projekt:  von A bis Z" --- today's letter is B
If you missed it, you can read A's post. <<< click link

5-10 minutes of unedited writing miscellaneous B things in German.
ACHTUNG!  FERTIG!  LOS!  (the German equivalent to Ready, Set, Go!)

der Bär = the bear

Foods:  die Banane (banana), das Brot (bread), der Braten (roast), die Bratwurst (self-explanatory!), der Blumenkohl (cauliflower, literally "flower cabbage"), der Bretzel (pretzel)

Animals:  die *Biene (bee), der Biber (beaver), der Bär (bear)

Die *Biene Maja was/is a popular German children's cartoon series:

Common Names:  Bernd, Bernard, Berta, Beate, Brigitte, Brunhilde

Cities:   Berlin, Bonn, Bamberg, Bayreuth, Bremen, Bremerhaven

Bonn:  Birthplace of BEETHOVEN in 1770

Words you might recognize:  Baby, Ball, Ballon, Bank, Bus, Butter

verbs:  backen (to bake), baden (to bathe)

famous brands/companies:  BASF (chemicals), BMW (Bavarian Motor Works), Bayer (pharmaceuticals), Birkenstock (shoes)

and a tongue-twister (Zungen/brecher = tongue breaker, literally!)

Bis Später!
(until later!)

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