Sunday, December 4, 2016

2. Advent 2016

Last Sunday was the 1st Sunday of Advent.   Read more about it in this post:  1.Advent.
Today we celebrate the 2nd Advent, continuing the time of remembering Jesus' birth, His presence in the hearts of those who receive Him, and the anticipation of His coming to rule and reign as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  

In some church celebrations, the second candle of Advent is called the Bethlehem candle.  

The second candle, the Bethlehem candle represents peace. It symbolizes the preparations being made to receive and cradle the Christ child. 

The Advent hymn I wanted to share today was written by Charles Wesley.  

1. Come, thou long expected Jesus,
born to set thy people free;
from our fears and sins release us,
let us find our rest in thee.
Israel's strength and consolation,
hope of all the earth thou art;
dear desire of every nation,
joy of every longing heart.
2. Born thy people to deliver,
born a child and yet a King,
born to reign in us forever,
now thy gracious kingdom bring.
By thine own eternal spirit
rule in all our hearts alone;
by thine all sufficient merit,
raise us to thy glorious throne.

Just as Israel longed for a Messiah, a Savior, so Christians continue to long for Jesus to set up His throne and set this old sinful world right!

I recently read the account of a father who traveled often for work.  On a trip home, he called his family from the airport to announce his arrival and request to be picked up.  His little son talked to his dad on the phone, and sighing with great longing, said, "Oh, Daddy, I can't wait to be where you are."  That is how a Christian might anticipate their Heavenly Home.  

And as a closing thought, I am reminded of the Lord's Prayer as given to us in Matthew chapter 6, particularly the phrase, "Thy Kingdom Come..."

Matthew Henry (1662 - 1714) commented on this prayer:

Thy kingdom come. This petition has plainly a reference to the doctrine which Christ preached at this time, which John Baptist had preached before, and which he afterwards sent his apostles out to preach--the kingdom of heaven is at hand. The kingdom of your Father who is in heaven, the kingdom of the Messiah, this is at hand, pray that it may come. Note, We should turn the word we hear into prayer, our hearts should echo to it; does Christ promise, surely I come quickly? our hearts should answer, Even so, come. 

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